
An Introduction to a Small Business

December 25: A new beginning...


We're finally in business...!

I hope to bring to you a service that is not just affordable, but more importantly, a service with integrity, and always committed to doing things right.

Some people that I'll like to say a big big thank you to...

- Friend and colleague, Mr. Yuwono Rahman, my first unofficial customer, for his trust, feedback, advise, advertisement and allowing me to use his images on this blog... Makasih!

- The previous owner of this business, Yuen, the previous owner of this business, for being so committed to ensuring that the take over of the business is as smooth as possible. Yuen is now offering B&W film development lessons at a really good price. Please check out here for more details.

- Last but not least, the numerous people who have msn-ed/email-ed/sms-ed me to enquire about the services. I look forward to your support, and similarly to Yuen, hope that I can offer you more for less. ^_^

Thank you,

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